The Role of a One-Stop Operator in WIOA Legislation

Terri Kaufman - Workforce Development Specialist ·

As identified in WIOA legislation, the One-Stop Operator should be the entity best suited to implementing a potentially redesigned service delivery system.

What is the role of a One-Stop Operator?

The operator is charged with coordinating the service delivery among partner agencies in One-Stop Centers. Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Managing daily operations in coordination with WIOA fiscal agent for the lease, utilities and other activities to support the center
  • Managing partner responsibilities defined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) among partners
  • Managing hours of operation
  • Managing services for individuals and businesses
  • Ensure that basic services such are available (orientations, labor market information, resource room)
  • Implementing of Local Workforce Development Board Policy
  • Adhering to all federal and state regulations and policies
  • Reporting to Local Workforce Development Board on operations, performance and continuous improvement recommendations

The One-Stop Operator cannot assist in the development, preparation and submission of local plans. They cannot manage or assist in the competitive process for selecting operators or select or terminate One-Stop Operator, Career Services and Youth Providers. Local Workforce Development Boards are responsible for the negotiated performance measures and budgets.

Are you aware that Local Workforce Development Boards must select a One-Stop Operator through a competitive process?

Local Workforce Development Boards should be planning at this time and be able to demonstrate that they are planning for One-Stop Operator competition procurement during fiscal year 2016. By 2017, a One-Stop Operator must be selected.

Who can be the One-Stop Operator?

  • A public, private, or non-profit organization
  • A consortium, which must include at least three (3) required WIOA partners
  • An institution of higher education
  • A State Wagner-Peyser Employment Agency
  • A community based, non- profit organization
  • Interested Organizations such as local Chamber of Commerce, business or labor organization

A One-Stop Operator can serve as a functional leader in the One-Stop!

A functional leader may have the authority to organize and supervise staff, without regard to the program that funds an individual staff member and will focus on day-to-day supervision of service delivery efforts. The formal leader has responsibilities as the employer of record.

What are the duties of a functional leader?

A functional leader’s responsibilities and duties include but are not be limited to:

  • Creating daily work schedules, team assignments and work flow based upon operational needs.
  • Coordinating staff vacations/unscheduled absences with the formal leader to ensure service coverage by Center staff.
  • Ensuring staff are properly trained and provided technical assistance as needed.
  • Providing constructive feedback to team staff regarding their duties.
  • Facilitating communication among the other functional leaders and teams in the Center.
  • Providing input to the formal leader on the work performance of staff under their purview.
  • Notifying the formal leader immediately of any staff leave requests or unexcused absences, disciplinary needs, or changes in employee status.
  • Identifying and facilitating the timely resolution of complaints, problems, and other issues.
  • Providing and/or contributing to reports of Center activities as requested by the WDB or DWS.
  • Willingness to ensure open communication with the formal leader(s) and Center Manager in order to facilitate efficient and effective Center operations.

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