One-Stop Center Certification - WIOA

Terri Kaufman - Workforce Development Specialist ·

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires that each state must establish the minimum criteria for certification of One-Stop centers and the One-Stop delivery system. The certification criteria allows the State to set standards for customer-focused, seamless services from a network of partners that help individuals overcome barriers to becoming and staying employed. Certification is required to be done by local boards at least once every three years in order for One-Stop centers and the One-Stop delivery system to receive infrastructure funding. The certification process is critical in setting the minimum level of quality and consistency of services in One-Stop centers across each State. Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDB) are charged with assessing the One-Stop centers and the One-Stop delivery system within their region to ensure that they meet WIOA and state criteria.

Each state will provide criteria to help local WDBs evaluate One-Stop centers for effectiveness, customer satisfaction, physical and programmatic accessibility, alignment and integration of resources for the purpose of continuous improvement. The criteria for this review should include how well the One-Stop center is:

  • Providing integrated services for participants and businesses and is tied to negotiated performance goals
  • Meeting the workforce development needs of participants by partnering and leveraging resources
  • Meeting the employment needs of local employers Operating in a cost-efficient manner and within budget
  • Providing One-Stop programs in a way that is seamless to the customer and eliminates duplication of services
  • Providing access to partner program services, including providing services outside of regular business hours where and when there is a workforce need identified by the local board
  • Ensuring equal opportunity for all individuals, including individuals with barriers to employment, to participate in or benefit from One-Stop center services
  • In compliance with disability-related regulations implementing WIOA Section 188
  • Meeting or exceeding state negotiated levels of performance and other performance measures established by the local board for the local area
  • Identifying and responding to technical assistance needs of staff and partners;
  • Ensuring professional staff have the requisite abilities, knowledge and skills required to administer services, including a system for provision of continuing professional development activities on behalf of professional staff, as necessary
  • Capturing and responding to customer feedback and customer satisfaction (jobseekers and employers)
  • Reviewing and assessing center services and implementing continuous improvement strategies and program deliveries

Additionally, each State and Local WDB will also be reviewing and evaluating One-Stop centers on the effectiveness of outreach strategies and efforts, including:

  • Outreach to employers
  • Outreach to individuals who cannot easily access the services at the One-Stop centers, including:
    • Individuals in remote areas
    • Individuals with disabilities
    • Individuals with limited English proficiency or literacy
    • Individuals who are currently incarcerated and preparing for release

An on-site review is critical to this process. This review gives the local WDB the opportunity to validate information provided in the Operator's application and ask questions that may arise after review of the written material. Local WDBs must ensure that members of the review team are appropriately trained and qualified to evaluate applicants against the established local certification standards.

Is your LWDB ready to implement state policies and start the certification process of your One-Stop-Center(s)? What steps have you taken to prepare your Board? What steps have you taken to ensure that your One-Stop centers are ready? We are here to help you.

If you need more information regarding WIOA and certification of One-Stop centers please contact me at: