WIOA - LWDBs and Partner Programs Collaborate on Continuous Improvements to Benefit Customers

Terri Kaufman - Workforce Development Specialist ·

Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) must continue to support their American Job Center by supporting and guiding the network of partner programs. These partners are jointly responsible for workforce, economic development, educational and human resource programs that collaborate and create a seamless customer-focused, network-integrated system that delivers opportunities that make it easier for workers to access services needed to obtain skills and employment.

The following is a summary of the services and resources that LWDB and partner agencies are to support:

  • Career Services
  • Transitional Jobs
  • Career Services provided by ES staff
  • Training Services
  • Training Contracts
  • Priority Populations/Priority of Service
  • Dislocated Worker
  • Employment Status Clarification
  • Career Pathways
  • Work-Based Training
  • Incumbent Worker Training
  • Supportive Services and Needs-Related Payments
  • Performance Accountability: Career and Training Services
  • Rapid Response
  • Coordination with WIOA Core Programs
  • Coordination with Trade Adjustment Assistance

What's Next?

LWDBs and partner agencies must continue to assess participants’ services needed to obtain jobs while meeting the needs of employers. They must ensure resources are being leveraged in accordance with all rules and policies. In addition, states are requiring LWDBs to develop new local plans for workforce development services.

WIOA requires that federal agencies, states and LWDBs look at performance, quality of services and develop continuous improvements of services, while at the same time working with limited federal and state resources. Now is the time to take a step back and see if the services identified in your MOU (including cost sharing) are meeting expectations.

Have you looked at the services that are being provided through the eyes of our customers, jobseekers, employers and youth? Have you reviewed your customer flow and service integration design to determine if it is effectively and efficiently leveraging resources?

How are you planning on attracting new partners to your American Job Center? How are you leveraging technology in to the day-to-day service offerings?

LWDBs are in the business of providing services. The challenges which LWDBs are facing are very similar to other businesses. We must continue to look at our operations and effectiveness. Training of partner teams should be enhanced. Services and program offerings must continue to evolve and meet the needs of the region. New service models that are better aligned to the needs of the region must be considered. We must identify new partners who have resources which can be leveraged, which can and should include businesses.

Is your LWDB ready to take the next steps needed to address these challenges? These challenges, once addressed, can become opportunities to improve services to better address the needs of our customers, jobseekers and employers.

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