Regional Skills Inventories and Analysis

Unlock unlimited possibilities. With our tools and processes in place, you are ready to inject data-driven decisions into your workforce development strategies and services. You are on the path towards a bright future for your region, its jobseekers and its local employers.

EDSI's proprietary skills analysis processes and Skilldex® system allow us to inventory skills at the individual level. When a select population is assessed, we can aggregate skills inventories by individual, group and/or region. More importantly, we can assess regional corporate needs to identify skill surpluses and gaps. The surpluses can be utilized to drive economic recruitment of employers, and the gaps can be used to focus training efforts to ensure those being upskilled can fill existing open positions in your region.

Benefits and outcomes include:

  • Identify regional skills data
  • Mine data to drive decisions
  • Extract real-time skills information
  • Develop regional training strategies
  • Build industry partnerships
  • Utilize data to make strategic funding decisions